Monday, July 20, 2009

Black Austrolorp's are finally laying eggs

From chickens

We've had the chickens since March, waiting and feeding them, waiting foday that they'd begin to lay eggs. We continued to hear various numbers thrown out as we talked to others who have chickens - ranging from 6 months before they'll lay eggs, some telling us that it wouldn't be till next spring - I was guessing something like 120-150 days old when they'd lay. We bought them at 3 weeks old in March, so they'd be roughly 5 months old now and have more or less started laying every day . I think we only have 2 of the 3 Lorps laying at the moment, so hopefully the 3rd one will kick in fairly soon. The three younger ones will be a while - maybe even next spring - before they lay. The RIR will probably be the first layer of the second set as the Americana and the Spitzhauben lay less frequently than the other breeds we have.

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 More Chickens

This weekend we went over to Parma to get 3 more chickens, as we're looking for a home for our rooster. We were able to get a Silver Spangled Spitzhauben (names Sir Topham Hat, because of the head-dress these chickens have as adults), a Amaracaunas (named Alyson, after a friend), and a Rhode Island Red (Named Clarabel by Piper).

From chickens

Friday, May 22, 2009

test post

this is just the first test post